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Build with Confidential VMs

Confidential Virtual Machines (CVMs) enable secure and private computation in untrusted environments. By leveraging hardware-based encryption and secure enclaves, CVMs ensure that your sensitive data and applications remain protected even when running on third-party infrastructure. With Oyster's CVM tooling, you can create secure environments that maintain data privacy while still allowing for complex computations and operations.

Getting started

Users who wish to build and deploy Confidential VMs should start with the tutorials. If you're feeling adventurous, head straight to the quickstart ;)

Core concepts

Learn about the concepts at the heart of Oyster CVMs and how to wield them effectively.


Follow these guides to accomplish specific tasks:


Here are some example images that solve real-world problems that you can use as a reference for your own images:

Explore the protocol

Oyster is not just a compute environment, but a decentralized protocol! Explore the design of the protocol and the decisions that make Oyster CVMs what it is today.