Get Involved
Welcome to the Marlin Community!
There's something for everyone! Whether you're looking to:
- Follow the conversation from the sidelines.
- Participate in general or technical debates.
- Submit, discuss or vote on a governance proposal.
- Apply for a grant to further Marlin's mission.
📄️ Social Channels
Community members interact through a variety of chat groups and forums
📄️ Contribute
Marlin is an open-source protocol and anyone can contribute to its codebase and documentation.
📄️ Governance
Users have a voice in determining the network's technical parameters
📄️ Grants
Developers and researchers interested in furthering Marlin's mission can apply for grants
Do check out the Learn section if you're new or need to get up to speed on all things Marlin.
📄️ The Protocol
Oyster is a sub-network of Marlin that specializes in offering TEE-based coprocessors.