Manage using marlinctl
This page assumes that marlinctl is installed already. See here if you have not installed it.
Command tree
The marlinctl
command subtree for managing Iris gateways resides under marlinctl gateway iris
. As with all marlinctl commands, the subtree can be incrementally discovered with the --help
$ sudo marlinctl gateway iris --help
Iris Gateway
marlinctl gateway iris [command]
Available Commands:
config Configurations of project set on disk
create Create gateway for iris blockchain
destroy Destroy gateway for iris blockchain
keystore Create or Destroy keystore
logs Tail logs for running gateway (iris) instances
recreate Recreate end to end gateway (iris) instances
restart Restart services for gateway (iris) instances
status Show status of currently running gateway (iris) instances
versions Show available versions for use
-h, --help help for iris
Global Flags:
--config string config file (default is $HOME/.marlin/ctl/state.yaml)
--loglevel string marlinctl loglevel (default is INFO) (default "info")
--registry-sync forceful registry sync from remote. May be used to check for upgrades.
--skip-sync skip registry sync during run
--skip-update-check skip update check during run
Use "marlinctl gateway iris [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Create a gateway
Gateways can be created using the create
$ sudo marlinctl gateway iris create --help
Create gateway for iris blockchain
marlinctl gateway iris create [flags]
-b, --bootstrap-addr string Bridge bootstrap address
-c, --contracts string mainnet/kovan (default "mainnet")
-d, --discovery-addr string Bridge discovery address (default "")
-h, --help help for create
-i, --instance-id string instance-id of spawned up resource (default "001")
-l, --internal-listen-address string Bridge listen address (default "")
-y, --keystore-pass-path string Keystore pass path (default "")
-k, --keystore-path string Keystore Path (default "")
-p, --pubsub-addr string Bridge pubsub address (default "")
-r, --runtime-args stringToString runtime arguments while starting up (default [])
-s, --skip-checksum skip checksum verification while starting up binaries
-x, --version string runtime version override
Global Flags:
--config string config file (default is $HOME/.marlin/ctl/state.yaml)
--loglevel string marlinctl loglevel (default is INFO) (default "info")
--registry-sync forceful registry sync from remote. May be used to check for upgrades.
--skip-sync skip registry sync during run
--skip-update-check skip update check during run
Primary flags
While the following flags are optional for testing the connection between the gateway and the polkadot node, they are required parameters for interacting with the Marlin network.
- Address of the bootstrap server used for discovering other nodes in the network.--keystore-path
- Path to keystore file. Serves as the identity of the gateway.--keystore-pass-path
- Path to text file containing passphrase that can unlock the above keystore file.
Secondary flags
- Contract set used by the gateway for fetching on-chain data. Enables choosing the network that the gateway is a part of (e.g. separate networks for testing or new upgrades). Especially important in the initial phases of the network, where it's expected that clusters will work on a testnet first before transitioning to mainnet upon maturity.
The following flags are useful for customizing the socket addresses used by the gateway in order to prevent any conflicts with other programs on the same system.
- Address used for the discovery protocol to find peers in the Marlin network.--pubsub-addr
- Address used for the pubsub protocol, to send and receive message from the Marlin network.--internal-listen-addr
- Address used for internal communication between components of the gateway.
See logs
Logs can be tailed using the logs
$ sudo marlinctl gateway iris logs --help
Tail logs for running gateway (iris) instances
marlinctl gateway iris logs [flags]
-h, --help help for logs
-i, --instance-id string instance-id of resource to log (default "001")
-n, --last int number of last lines to tail in logfile (default 100)
Global Flags:
--config string config file (default is $HOME/.marlin/ctl/state.yaml)
--loglevel string marlinctl loglevel (default is INFO) (default "info")
--registry-sync forceful registry sync from remote. May be used to check for upgrades.
--skip-sync skip registry sync during run
--skip-update-check skip update check during run
Primary flags
- Number of lines from the end to tail
Destroy a gateway
Gateways can be destroyed using the destroy
$ sudo marlinctl gateway iris destroy --help
Destroy gateway for iris blockchain
marlinctl gateway iris destroy [flags]
-h, --help help for destroy
-i, --instance-id string instance-id of resource to destroy (default "001")
Global Flags:
--config string config file (default is $HOME/.marlin/ctl/state.yaml)
--forceful-registry-sync forceful registry sync. Do not use if you don't know what this is for.
--loglevel string marlinctl loglevel (default is INFO) (default "info")
--skip-registry-sync skip registry sync during run
--skip-update-check skip update check during run